Monday, July 25, 2011

Breakfast: Eggs and Veggies and Cheese

Figured I need to use up some veggies before more get picked up wednesday, but wound up mostly just using ones from the garden.

Sauteed onion (CSA) with little marble-sized tomatoes (garden) and zucchini (garden).

Scrambled two eggs.

Put a few slices of Hillman Farm ripened chevre on the side.

The chevre was the best part.

Recommended pairing: third cup of Rao's.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lunch: Tempeh Sandwich

Made a kind of reuben sandwich thing with tempeh for lunch.

Boiled the tempeh and then sauteed it for just a couple minutes to brown the outsides a little bit. Put that on Hungry Ghost bread and topped it with Swiss cheese and sauerkraut and Russian dressing.

Wasn't as delicious as I'd hoped, or as delicious as the one they've got up at the Hope & Olive, which is what I was trying to imitate. But it worked for lunch and was fun to make.

Recommended pairing: Opa Opa Light.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Breakfast: Egg/Tomato Biscuit

Used the other biscuit for a quick pre-work breakfast. Cut it in half, toasted it, buttered it, put an egg and a tomato slice on each half. Delicious.

Recommended pairing: Coffee once I got to work.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dinner: Biscuit With Egg and Cheese and Veggies Inside

I had tacos for breakfast so I figured I could have breakfast food for dinner. And at the Hungry Ghost they had buttermilk biscuits again!

Toasted the biscuit and put butter on it. Inside went, in order: a fried egg, cheddar, and sauteed veggies (red onions, chard and a couple tomato slices).

Amazing. I love those biscuits.

Appetizer: a big handful of raspberries that I picked fresh less than an hour ago.

Recommended pairing: tap water.

Breakfast: Breakfast Tacos

Not sure how breakfast tacos really differ from dinner tacos. Mostly in intent, I think.

Started out this morning planning to make some sort of breakfast burrito-type thing. But I wanted to use corn tortillas. And we were out of eggs. And we were out of beans. So I sauteed some kale/chard with leftover tofu/zucchini. Onto the tortillas went that pile, and on top of that went cheddar, cilantro, red onion, and salsa verde.

So the end result was just regular tacos, plus kale/chard, minus lettuce.

But it was still a pretty good breakfast.

Recommended pairing: second pot of Rao's Organic Honduras.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dinner: Tempeh Burgers, Raw Veggies

We were gonna go with grilled cheese for dinner, and then decided on tempeh burgers.

Sauteed some boiled tempeh in olive oil. Then onto the bun (this time: Trader Joe's Organic Soft Wheat. It's hard to make it to the Hungry Ghost when it's so goddamn hot outside) with cheddar, butter-sauteed red onions, cilantro, mayo, sauerkraut, tomato, lettuce.

On the side: raw broccoli and peapods which we dipped in hummus.

Recommended pairing: water from the tap.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Breakfast: Huevos Rancheros

Used up the last two sprouted corn tortillas in some huevos this morning and they remained amazing. Like so amazing it was maybe the best my huevos have ever been.

It was a double decker (would have been triple but there were only those two tortillas) of tortilla, fried egg, cheddar, tempeh/zucchini chunks sauteed in olive oil and habanero sauce, cilantro, tomato. Would have put some red onions in there but we're out. And probably would have made some more tofu if I hadn't used it up last night, but replacing it with the tempeh/zucchini turned out really really good and I might do it again that way.

On top went guacamole, salsa verde and a little bit of lime. Super yummy.

Recommended pairing: Rao's coffee and some orange juice.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dinner: Pasta with Beet/Tomato Sauce, Salad

Thought I'd see how beets worked in pasta sauce.

Started out by peeling and sauteing a couple small beets along with their greens. Then added red onion and a big handful of garlic scapes. Meanwhile I was sauteing big chunks of tofu with red onion. Then threw it all together with a whole jar of store-bought vodka sauce, half a zucchini, and a bunch of dried red chili.

After it looked pretty saucy I put it on top of some bowtie pasta (I was sad to see we were out of penne) and topped it with some crumbled feta.

It was great! the sugar in the beets made it taste like a nice sweet pasta sauce and then there was a nice beet aftertaste to go with the spiciness of the chili. Yum!

On the side: spinach/lettuce salad with tomato and some more feta.

Recommended pairing: Maker's on the rocks.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dinner: Tacos, Salad, Watermelon

Every day should be taco day. And I got some sprouted corn tortillas made by Food Life out of Corona CA that I hadn't tried before and they were the best store-bought tortillas ever.

Inside the amazing tortillas went tofu, cheddar, red onion, cilantro, tomato, lettuce, lime, guacamole and salsa verde. Yum!!!

On the side was a salad made up of spinach, lettuce, halved grape tomatoes, walnuts and feta. Dressed with Stop & Shop brand Italian (accidentally read the label on the Newman's Own Italian and looks like they've got anchovies in there).

Dessert: big slice of watermelon.

Recommended pairing: Ol' Woody Pale from Mad Anthony Brewing out of Fort Wayne IN. Not bad for Indiana.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Late-Night Dinner: Mac & Cheese

Quick and easy dinner for when I get home late and Caitlin's already in bed: mac and cheese with other stuff thrown in.

Started with a store-bought box of Annie's Shells & Cheese.

On top which went provolone, mozzarella, parmasean, asiago, fontina, romano, garlic scapes, beet greens, red onion, tomato, salt, dried red chili, and what was left of the tomato sauce in the fridge.

Mixed it up and ate it out of the bowl. Yum!

Recommended pairing: water from the tap.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Dinner: Tempeh Burgers

On a tempeh roll lately.

Boiled and then sauteed the tempeh in olive oil. Then, in order: pepper jack, butter-sauteed red onions, tomato, lettuce, mayo, bun.

The bun was really just some Stop & Shop bread we had around. Not too bad toasted though.

Recommended pairing: Goose Island 312.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dinner: Tempeh Dogs and Potato Chips

Made an early dinner cause I told Brian I'd work for him from 7-11pm tonight.

Cut some Lightlife tempeh into long hotdog-shaped pieces and boiled those for a few minutes. Then into the frying pan that was still sitting on the stove after this morning's egg, along with some olive oil and a habanero hot sauce from Belize that I got at that place in Hadley right off the bike path. You know, the one with the ducks and chickens in the front. That one.

Put the tempeh into slices of Hungry Ghost along with ketchup and little pieces of cheddar, dill pickle and onion.

On the side went some Kettle Chips, New York Cheddar flavor.

Recommended pairing: tap water, cause I have to go to work.

Breakfast: Egg/Cheese/Tomato On A Biscuit

At the Hungry Ghost yesterday they had biscuits for $1.50 and the guy said they were good so I got one and was planning on using it for lunch that day but that didn't happen so instead I used it for breakfast before work this morning.

Cut the thing in half and toasted it and buttered it. Fried an egg and put it in between the pieces with a couple slices of Cabot cheddar and a slice of tomato. Really wished there was spinach around.

Unbelievable. Definitely getting more biscuits the next time I see them at the Hungry Ghost.

Recommended pairing: orange juice. Would have made coffee but I was running late and had to drink hospital coffee out of a styrofoam cup instead.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dinner: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Salad

Cait worked all day and wanted grilled cheese sandwiches and I was happy to oblige.

Went to the Hungry Ghost for some more French, then to the Stop & Shop for Cabot colby jack. The sandwiches were the colby jack, some Cabot cheddar, sauteed scallion, sauteed red onion, and sauteed flat-leaf kale. I'm pretty sure that's not what that kale is really called. But I don't know what it's called. And it has flatter leaves than the kale I usually use so that's what I call it. Ideally the sandwiches would have had spinach instead but the CSA is done with spinach until the fall. Sad news for everybody. But the kale worked out just fine.

The salad was lettuce, arugula, roasted beets, sauteed scallion, toasted walnuts, turnip slices, and fresh mozzarella. Would have picked up some chevre from the store to use instead of the mozzarella but we're going on vacation saturday and I figured it would just go bad.

Dessert was plain strawberries, picked earlier in the day in the rain, which was way more fun than I thought it would be (considering the rain).

Recommended pairing: Full Sail Session Black for him, tap water for her.

Breakfast: Egg/Beans/Tofu/Salsa

Quick pre-work breakfast.

Fried two eggs. After flipping them I added leftover black beans and leftover tofu to the pan.

Then some salsa on top, with salt and pepper.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dinner: Salad, Cheese and Crackers, Tacos

Cait wanted a salad and cheese and crackers for dinner and that sounded pretty good to me.

Cheddar and pepperjack cheese got cut up, and put on the last of the Hungry Ghost and on some Triscuits.

The salad was lettuce with tomato, garbanzos, black beans, walnuts, scallion, red onion (Cait's salad only), and fresh mozzarella (mine only). Dressed with the Newman's Italian.

Then I warmed up some tofu left over from breakfast for a couple tacos on the side for me (Cait declined the taco offer). Tortilla, tofu, pepperjack, cilantro, red onion, tomato, lettuce, salsa.

Recommended pairing: water for her, Full Sail Session Black (direct from Hood River OR) for him.

Early-Afternoon Breakfast: Cheddar/Chevre/Onion/Spinach Omelet, Tofu, Toast, Kale, Chard, Tomato

After a morning of drinking coffee I got around to breakfast around 1pm.

Ran out of tofu last night after a couple post-Hugo's tacos so I sauteed some more, with red onion and the rest of last night's jalapeno.

Sauteed more kale and chard (more arrives tomorrow!). Sauteed a handful of grape tomatoes sliced in half.

Toasted a couple slices of Hungry Ghost, the gift that keeps on giving.

Speaking of gifts, that Hillman Farms ripened chevre has been my gift to myself all week. Too bad I used the last of it in the omelet this morning. Three eggs mixed with a tiny bit of milk. Then the chevre, some cheddar, sauteed red onions, and the last of the spinach (more tomorrow!)

Nothing like a breakfast of five different colors on the plate!

Recommended pairing: orange juice in the PBR glass.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Dinner: Black Bean Burger, Salad, Potato Chips

Made a black bean burger from scratch for the first time ever. There's probably a recipe somewhere that would have made it better, but mine turned out pretty good for the first time. Mashed some canned black beans up with wheat gluten flour and some chopped up jalapeno and habanero. Then formed it into a patty. Then threw it onto the frying pan. It's a nice day, kind of wished I'd bought that barbecue when I was at the Home Depot the other day. But frying pan it was.

Sauteed some red onion and more jalapeno, which went onto the burger along with Cabot cheddar, tomato, lettuce, and some mayonnaise. Put it all between two slices of Hungry Ghost French. Yum!!!

Salad was spinach and lettuce with a slice of ripened chevre and little piles of tomato chunks and garbanzos. Dressed with Newman's Family Recipe Italian.

And a little pile of Kettle Chips, Buffalo Bleu flavor, all the way from Salem OR.

Ate outside as consolation prize for not grilling the burger.

Recommended pairing: Long Trail IPA followed by a trip to Hugo's to watch the baseball game.

Lunch: Tofu, Spinach, Turnips with Cheese and Hummus

Sliced up a turnip and put Cabot cheddar on half the slices and hummus on the other half. Sauteed some spinach, and warmed up some of the leftover tofu from last night.

Recommended pairing: Rao's French roast. The Dep't of Public Health was actively keeping the public healthy this morning, mostly by not letting us drink coffee on the job. So lunchtime coffee it was.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dinner: Tofu Tacos

Caitlin's not a big fan of my tofu tacos. She's crazy. So when she's not around I make them pretty regularly; they're fun to eat, they're fun to make, they're really really tasty.

I sauteed the tofu (made by The Bridge out of Middletown CT aka the best tofu ever) with red onion, a can of Hatch green chilis, and a few dashes of Matouk's Calypso Sauce (made in Trinidad; I bought this bottle in St. Martin a year ago and have been nursing it slowly ever since).
Then I put the tofu onto a pair of corn tortillas, and then on top of the tofu went Cabot cheddar, more red onion, cilantro, tomato, and lettuce. Then squeezed a quarter of a lime and topped with salsa verde.

Recommended pairing: Opa Opa Light aka the best lager money can buy.

Early-Afternoon Breakfast: Egg/Cheddar/Spinach Sandwich with Creamy/Cheesy Kale/Chard

Breakfast sandwich time!

Still had some Hungry Ghost French so I toasted some slices of that and put a fried egg, Cabot cheddar and sauteed spinach in the middle. The cheese halfway melted between the egg and the spinach. Yum!

And: trying to burn through the kale and chard before more arrives on wednesday so I sauteed a big pile of both, then cooked the pile for a few minutes with a little bit of milk and store-brand pepper jack. Would have used heavy cream if I'd had it but I didn't.

Recommended pairing: Rao's French roast, microwaved cause it wasn't hot anymore.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lunch: Kale/Chevre Sandwiches

Made some kale sandwiches for lunch cause I was hungry. Went over to the farmers' market and got some ripened chevre from Hillman Farm. Then went over to the Hungry Ghost for a loaf of French. Then went home.

Sauteed the kale. Simultaneously sauteed a single scallion that I'd cut into pieces. Spread the cheese onto the bread. Put the kale and scallion between two slices of that cheesed-up bread.

Recommended pairing: big glass of cold water from the tap.